here is my theery bout jesus
so jesus was actually a sockpuppet of god because god got banned from earth 5ever for sending a man to hell for fapping then about 1000000 years later he decided to come back to earth so he created a sockpuppet called '' jesus christ''
the plot worked very well for about 30 years and jesus then formed a group which we all know as Jesus christ and the twelve disciples but what if i told you they where actually called '' J.C and teh Boys '' but one of the boys Judas Priest betrayed jesus by going and telling the admin of the lands puncheoizlle pilizlle that he was breaking the law by being a sockpuppet (Jesus had told all The Boys he was a sock of god) so puncizzle pilizlle sentenced him to banning by crucifiction
so they made him carry the cross up the hill and when he got to the top they put him up on the cross stuck special ban nails with banhammers then banned him 
jesus was revived 3 days later but he was banned 20 days later then he went back to heaven 
and thats my theery THIS IS TRUE